Overnight dog boarding
What is included in Nightcamp?
All of our nightcampers are let out a minimum of 5 times during their day/night with us. Below is a basic schedule of our nightcamp times for care and let outs. We do NOT have our outdoor areas connected to the kennels. This means that staff take individual time to handle and care for your dog, bringing them in and outside and spending one-on-one time with them during their let outs.
6:00am – Let out times begin for the morning. Collars and any clothing etc. are placed back on the dogs prior to going out potty. Breakfasts are given along with any treats and medications (if provided). Bedding is checked and replaced if needed, waters are replenished and freshened at this time as well.
7:30-8:00am – Second let outs begin (for dogs that are not participating in our group daycamp add-on – Daycamp dogs start going out for DC at 8:00am for their playtime).
11:30-12:30pm – Third let outs begin for nightcampers that are not in group play. During this time the dogs receive their lunches, medications, and snacks (if provided). Bedding is checked and replaced if needed, waters are replenished and freshened at this time as well.
4:00-4:30pm – Fourth let outs begin for nightcampers that are not in group play. Bedding is checked and replaced if needed.
5:00-6:00pm – Dinners, snacks, and medications are given to the nightcampers (if provided). Waters are replenished and freshened at this time as well.
7:30-8:00pm – Final let outs start at this time. Nightcampers are then bedded down with any bedding provided or requested (no additional charge for requested bedding). Waters are refreshed and snacks, medications, or late dinners are given at this time (if provided). We remove all collars, clothing, bandanas, etc. at this time for the dog’s safety overnight.
** Additional extras that can be added on include: one-on-one play time/walk/cuddles (15 minutes), swims (15 & 30 minutes), massage (15 & 30 minutes), daycamp, waterworks massage (30 minutes), and training (30 min/60 min) are done in addition to your dog’s let out times.
**If your dog does not do well with handling or is aggressive we would recommend that you look into a facility that offers the connected runs for limited hands-on work with your dog.
Nightcamp Pricing
Nightcamp for Single Dog (1 night covers you for 24 hours from the time of drop off) is $38.00 +tax
Nightcamp for Family Dog (1 night covers you for 24 hours from the time of drop off for the additional family dog) is $36.00 +tax *Family packs are SPLIT between the family dogs. For example: a family of 2 using a 12 pack will cover each dog for 6 nights.
Daycamp Group Play Add-On (group pack play during a nightcamp stay at a discounted rate – for dogs that have passed a daycamp group play evaluation – no intact dogs over 2 years old – no females in heat) is $22.00 +tax
15 minute Solo Activity Add-On (15 minute enrichment session with just your pup and the staff) is $12.00 +tax
15 minute Solo Swim Add-On (15 minute discounted swim session in the hydrotherapy pool during boarding) is $20.00 +tax
Purchase Camp Packages

We travel a lot and have used Dawgs a lot in the past ~3 years. We board and use the day camp for our Roxy. She really seems to enjoy it and will pull us in the door, when we drop her off. When we pick her up we get a daily report card of who she played with and her attitude that day. The staff really seems to care about the dogs. So much better than locking a dog in a crate all day with a few outdoor breaks.
Took Maddie for her first sleep over on Saturday night! She obviously had a great time and I’m sure would have lots of stories to tell if she could talk! I felt very relaxed knowing she was in good hands! The staff is always so friendly! Yes I would definitely recommend! The hours are great as well!